Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Today is the day I get the results of my scans and the game plan if it hasn't

After doing all my reading and researching today I find out if the cancer has spread - if so I am back to square one...but here is my plan.

  1. Spend the next month enjoying the holiday season 
  2. Early January - surgical procedures
  3. Late January - start 30 days of Interferon or 48 weeks
  4. Mid - March return to work
  5. Change diet to completely vegan
  6. Practice Yoga daily to strengthen my immune system.
  7. Manage side effect with pharmaceuticals if needed

 2014 will be consumed by my quest to kill this disease off - but for 2015 I will be back and traveling - I think an epic trip to Europe is in order!  Maybe start in London for a few days - go to Highclere castle, next is Paris for a few days before heading to the coast, then it is on to the Cinque Terre and an epic journey in Italy!! It is always good to have goals and my pot of gold at the end of the cancer rainbow is an epic journey to Europe!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

I bought a juicer and the events of this weekend....

One of the benefits of Black Friday was that Macy's had juicers on sale for 40 percent off so after reading that cooking on Interferon would be difficult with the nausea I decided to venture out and buy one. I didn't get the masticating one that so many recommended because I will be drinking it at the time it is juiced that and the fact that they were twice the price of the one I bought and since I have not juiced ever before I thought this was a great entry level juicer - a Breville 2 speed Juice fountain. I have not tested it out but I need to make run to Sprouts for some Apples and Carrots.

I am following the  No No Vegan diet - I call it that because when I say I only a plant based diet - this means no I don't eat meat and no I don't eat cheese but I do eat potatoes, brussel sprouts, carrots, squash, apple, oranges, lemons cranberries, cherries, lentils, quinoa, beans and so much more. People tend to focus on No I don't eat meat and No I don't eat cheese hence the name the No No Diet!

I got to spend some time this weekend with friends who will support me through this walk and feel truly blessed...I am not sure how I am going to manage this but I know if I need it I can reach out to them!!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Black Friday!

Up early this morning - going in to work - never have been much of a shopper this weekend for me prior to the Gluten allergy diagnosis was the kickoff to my holiday baking season. Back in the day I would make upwards of 20 different types of holiday bake goods - much of which would be given to friends and family for Christmas gifts- my Dad loved the orange almond biscotti and would dunk it in his coffee. My love for cooking has not faded but in recent years I have not baked like I used to - I should get back into baking but Vegan and Gluten free!

Today I was on Pinterest looking at short hair - one of the side effects of Interferon is hair loss so while I have been growing my hair but with this on my horizon - I think that going back to the Pixie is prudent at this point. I still am a fan of Ginnifer Goodwin's short style but also loving Jennifer Lawrence's new hairdo as well!

I had a nice quiet pajama day yesterday and took a moment to absorb all that I learned last week about the cancer - and came to terms with where I am. Looking forward to finding out more on Tuesday and planning what my next steps are. More research showed studies with High Dose Interferon aka HDI for one month gave the same results as the 48 week dosage so definitely something to discuss, in addition to this study I did find that there is a slow release Pegylated Interferon aka PEG - IFN that is administered weekly so whether I need the 1 month or the 48 week - management of my treatment just got a little better. 

Well time for work - off I go

Namaste to all!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

Today I am thankful for second opinions whether good, bad or indifferent a second opinion is an opportunity to learn where my walk with this disease will take me. 

In the past 5 weeks I have been diagnosed with Stage 1B with a Mitosis rate of 3 I went to a dermatologist who diagnosed me and then referred me to a surgeon who had been told by a radiologist that I had 2 impacted nodes but he only took one - and left the one that is closest to the site of the cancer ....this did not feel right. I went to an oncologist who informed me as a 3 mitosis level that with out a year of interferon I would be chasing this microscopic stuff and may not catch something in time. I have had a PET and a CT scan along with blood tests galore. I shutter to think that if I had not gone to the oncologist I would be walking around delusional thinking it was done....I will be eating a Pescatarian diet to slow any more exposure and I am considering the Interferon ....but above all I am so grateful for the second opinion....