Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

Today I am thankful for second opinions whether good, bad or indifferent a second opinion is an opportunity to learn where my walk with this disease will take me. 

In the past 5 weeks I have been diagnosed with Stage 1B with a Mitosis rate of 3 I went to a dermatologist who diagnosed me and then referred me to a surgeon who had been told by a radiologist that I had 2 impacted nodes but he only took one - and left the one that is closest to the site of the cancer ....this did not feel right. I went to an oncologist who informed me as a 3 mitosis level that with out a year of interferon I would be chasing this microscopic stuff and may not catch something in time. I have had a PET and a CT scan along with blood tests galore. I shutter to think that if I had not gone to the oncologist I would be walking around delusional thinking it was done....I will be eating a Pescatarian diet to slow any more exposure and I am considering the Interferon ....but above all I am so grateful for the second opinion....

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