Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Today is the day I get the results of my scans and the game plan if it hasn't

After doing all my reading and researching today I find out if the cancer has spread - if so I am back to square one...but here is my plan.

  1. Spend the next month enjoying the holiday season 
  2. Early January - surgical procedures
  3. Late January - start 30 days of Interferon or 48 weeks
  4. Mid - March return to work
  5. Change diet to completely vegan
  6. Practice Yoga daily to strengthen my immune system.
  7. Manage side effect with pharmaceuticals if needed

 2014 will be consumed by my quest to kill this disease off - but for 2015 I will be back and traveling - I think an epic trip to Europe is in order!  Maybe start in London for a few days - go to Highclere castle, next is Paris for a few days before heading to the coast, then it is on to the Cinque Terre and an epic journey in Italy!! It is always good to have goals and my pot of gold at the end of the cancer rainbow is an epic journey to Europe!

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