Friday, July 11, 2014


Sorry June was a little crazy for me - I had cleared all of my May appointments in preparation of a trip that was postpone - so things got a bit backed up. I had my surgical and oncology follow ups with out incident - on 6/19 I had a full hysterectomy and the testing on that came back negative for cancer. A mammogram revealed a lump - had followup mammograms I was scheduled for a needle aspiration and possible biopsy. I had those today - the aspiration caused the lump to shrivel up and go away so that was awesome and I found out that the reason for my recent exhaustion is because after the hysterectomy my thyroid went from way hyper to hypo so they are slowing down on the is getting back to normal - once I get the exhaustion under control I can get back in the gym and doing yoga!! Oh and my hair is finally growing life is getting back to normal!!

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